Monday, March 19, 2012

Between a Rock and a Hard Place

I didn't finish Between a Rock and a Hard Place. I'm almost done; I did watch the movie though. Many of the events were the same. The movie was very silent because it was mainly him stuck in the crevice, thinking about freedom, and events that happened in his life. He was told multiple times in the movie that he would die alone, that stament hit him hard after Aron realized he couldn't get out. He thought back to his previous girlfriend and how she left him at a basketball game and told him he would be alone for the rest of his life.
Around day three he started losing his mind, he had a video camera and was pretending he was on a talk show, there were multiple callers (all named Aron) they would comment on Aron's situation, and there was a crowd in the background cheering and laughing at his pain. I think that he stayed really strong throughout the five days. He had a few incidents where he was pretty much insane, the talk show and he was half asleep at one point and he dreamt about getting free. A storm was passing through and it flash flooded the crevice and he got his arm free and swam to the surface. He was only dreaming and when he awoke he basically cried.
Day four was interesting; Aron finally decided he had no other options but to cut off his arm. He fashioned a tourniquet just below his elbow. He then realized that his blade just wasn’t going to cut through the bone in his arm. He managed to break his arm before cutting it. After he broke the arm I could barely watch, he stabbed into his arm and cut.
He got out of the crack and found water, it was really dirty, and he drank a lot of it. He managed to walk a long ways and there was a family walking and he yelled out and they saved him. They called someone and a helicopter came and he was saved. In the book it talks about his recovery, he got a lot of infection from the water and the wound, but he lived through all of it.
Three years after the accident Aron found his soul mate and married her they then had a son. So he wasn’t going to die alone after all. I enjoyed the movie and the book, and I will finish it.

Friday, March 2, 2012

Between a Rock and a Hard Place

This story is going by so very slowly... i read whenever i can because it's so interesting though. Aron has been trapped long enough that he thinks he's going to die so he has been making a video diary in hopes that someone will find it when he is gone. He has basically given up hope in surviving and is thinking about all of the things he did wrong when he was hiking those few days before. How Kristi and Megan were sent as his guardian angels. And all of his mistakes.
He goes back into his life before his arm was gone, and talks about all of the climbing and work he has done. Right now he is climbing at Mount Holy Cross. He almost died climbing this one too. He went up to the summit, and the nest day when he was coming back down he slipped into a hole and the snow made a cracking sound and the ground started to give way. He realized that the previous day he had climbed right over that very spot and nothing had happened, but as he looked down at the damage he saw that if he hadn't jumped over onto the rocks that were next to where he was standing he would have fallen about 500 feet. His body would have been smashed against the rocks below. He then talks about how we look over the small things that we survive every day,but when it comes to the huge things we notice.

When Aron goes back to the "present" time he is still talking about the video diary and he edventually has to turn it off after explaining most of what has happened so far and how he got into that mess. He has to turn the camera off for a second or two because he starts to get choked up and he cries. He turns the camera back on and says i love you and goodbyes to his family.

I find myself feeling so sorry for him because of all the things he's been through, but then i think, he's made so many mistakes he should have learned from them by now but obviously hasn't because he's still making them. All of these incidents have only made him stronger as a person and a hiker i think.