Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Dear John

   In this book threw chapters one and two he talks about his life when younger and what he did or don't have. He also talks about his relation ships with friends and family. Moving on farther in the book you can see how different his life gets not only with his dad but with growing up. When he wants to join the military he has to go threw growing up and the different people, even tho he didn't have a life be four this it still was difficult. when he meets this girl he is surprised that she will talk to him and want to hang out. Not even realizing but he starts to like her. She asks about his tattoo's and what they mean one day on the beach.
   John never really liked coins or liked talking about them except when he was a kid. Even when his dad would take him on trips he started realizing that he dosen't have nothing like the other kids he new, including his friends. When he started growing up he started to be alone or hanging with bad people, getting into trouble with drugs and alcohol. Even sneaking around sleeping with all these girls.

  There is one thing in his life that he had in his life that is great and kept him out of a lot of trouble, surfing! Surfing was everything he lived on his board always late at night, sleeping in late the next day then going right back out to go surfing again. He barley met with friends or went home and talked with his dad. His dad always makes him breakfast the same thing every morning. This is a little about dear john and what i have read so far.

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