I’m reading My side of the mountain by Jean Craighead-George. So far I’ve read to page 47. I’ve noticed that the main character Sam Gribley has run away from home to his great-grandfathers land in the Catskills Mountains. I noticed the only things Sam knows about the living on the land are in books. Sam is a city kid and doesn’t have the best tools to live on the land. Although Sam does seem to know what he’s doing. Sam also knows how find his shelter which is a tree and he knows how to make tools he needs to survive. I’ve also noticed that he had a very nice family the reason Sam ran away was because he wanted to live on the land not on the sea like his Father.
What this story reminds me of is when I go camping for a couple of days with my family up at Lake Sweet Briar and got to get our own food and firewood. It also reminds me of hunting I think is cool how a story can do all of that. It also reminds me of being outside when I was little and trying and building a tree fort. It also reminds me of going fishing and having to get my own bait and then after catching the fish cooking them and eating them.
When I read this story it makes me feel like I’m there with Sam lost and trying to survive off the land. I also can feel Sam’s hunger or his fear when I Read this story. I find it cool that a book can make a person that is reading it make them feel and also remind them of past experiences in their life.
I have a couple of questions about the book and that is if he will stay there and never have to go back home? Will his family wonder where he is and then go looking for him?
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