Monday, September 19, 2011

Week 3

I am still reading The Road by Cormac McCarthy. The man and the boy keep trying to head south. On there way, they are always cold and is a problem. They try there best to keep warm, but they are still always cold. Eventually, they come across a group of men going along in a truck. One of the men tried to take the boy, but the man shot him with a pistol and ran away with the boy. They keep on heading south. Later, they come accross a house with a celler. Desperate for food, the man busts it open, only to find many hopeless people wanting help and out of the celler. The man relizes that two other men are keeping them to be eaten and the man and the boy manage to get away. After this, there is a night where they run out of food. The nights are getting colder. It all seems like they are going to die, because they can barely walk, and never sleep, because they know they will probly die if they fall asleep. Miraculousely, the man finds an old barn with clear water, and apple trees with old, rotten apples all around. He gathers some up and they eat enough to survive for a few more days. A few more days had passed, and the man and the boy come by another house. They are starving again and have no choice but to look for food. The boy is scared, because they found another celler. He doesn't want to open it, but the man is forced to because of their hunger. In the celler, they found crates of food, cots, and a lamp with oil. They are overjoyed.

The book seemed so sad the whole time. The man and the boy are always cold and hungary and looking for food. They always seem to manage though and just barely get enough food to keep on going. At the part where they found the celler with food, I was really happy. For once, they will be fed, warm, and safe inside.

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