Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Dear John

John starts to realize that now he is gonna have to leave, even though now him and savanna are more in love and in a bigger relationship the more that time passes. Not no wing how to tell her he figures that he might as well just tell her. She is sad but what else can you do, john then says we can wright and email. Savanna seems that she agrees but in a way really doesn't want him to leave her. I understand that though why would you not want your new boyfriend to leave after spilling out your guts to one another oh and also meeting each others family. Going out seems to be every day now and all day being with each other. It seems so sad to me, and just thinking oh we can wright and email would never be enough for anyone. Soon enough he is leaving, gone what seems to be forever. Savanna alone starts to beginning to wright a letter to send to john. John waiting for the letter wondering will she even right, how long will it take,plus with the time of coming all the way here. Soon he gets the letter then they begin to start to send them back and forth now he knows exactly when he should be getting the letters and everything seems fine. It seems to be taking a while for letters so he asks if they should email but they both agree letters are better because the way of waiting for the letters is exciting and more fun. Plus they can still send pictures with the letters. Every time they get a picture from other especially john starts to realize how much he is starting to forget about her face and hair, just her appearance in generally.

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