Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Week 7- The Tender Years

Since I have last blogged, I have finished the book, The Tender Years.I can't exactly blog about it all at once, beings that so many main things have happened in the plot. As the story goes on, Virginia wrestles with herself whether she should be the Christian and help and pray for Jenny to turn her toward her faith, or the firm friend who stands her ground and doesn't take Jenny's harsh ultimatums. As she decides which side of the fence she should be on, her family, church, and other friends are aiding her in staying on the side with God. One such friend doing this is Jamison Curtis, who is the boy Jenny is infatuated with. Even after all of the help Virginia had given Jenny, she still grew angry when Virginia so much as spoke to Jamison. She thought that Virginia shouldn't have any business with him, for she had her eyes on him from the very beginning she had started to go to church, Jamison being the only reason she went to church or Youth Group at all. After all of the flirting and extra time Jenny put into her appearance, Virginia had enought and decided that she didn't care that Jenny saw Jamison in that way first. She put her foot down, just like I hoped she would.

This story to me was ultimately very entertaining. I loved the spin to the melodramatics of today's teens. I liked how the time was set back into the approximate 20's or so, making the experiences they took part in much different, like dating, or courting, for example. Everything had to be approved by parents and there was only certain ways it could be deemed appropriate. In the topic of dating, I thoughbt it was funny to see Virginia's changing feelings toward Jamison and how she thought she was wrong for having the feelings. She almost seemed confused, making it all the more funny. Another thing-slightly off topic- I really liked was how the Simpson family always made sure that everyone was always included and felt like they were needed and were important as the next kid. The way Virginia developed as a person to actually see that they cared just as much about her as Clara was very interesting, for I knew the family did all along. There are many more details of this book, but I will be sure to touch on them in the upcoming blog. Stay tuned!

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