Friday, October 7, 2011

Week 2

I am reading Hothouse by Chris Lynch. So far the story is about a guy named Russell, who is attempting to get over the death of his father David who was a firefighter that had died in a fire saving an old lady and her cat. Also killed in the fire is his best friend DJ’s father Russell died. Russell’s dad (David) was best friends with DJ’s father (Russell) and they both named their boys after their best friend names. The whole community feels devastated of the loss of David and Russell. The mayor places an memorial in the town stating that Russell’s and DJ’s dad was a hero. Russell still dealing with his grief but is happy for school to start so he can put the whole summer behind him. On the first day of school he gets into a fight with a guy named Montgomerie. Montogmerie and Russell never really got along, Montogmerie is always trying to start trouble, giving Russell an evil eye, and smirking in his direction. Mont. came up to Rusell Friday morning stating that his father was a phony hero and that he was drunk the night he died. Russell told Mont. to take it back but Mont. refused to, so Russell got very angry and started beating up on Mont. His friends pulled him off of Mont. Russell got a text massage from his mom right after he was pulled off of Mont to come home and realizing what he did ran home.

So far I have really enjoyed this book. I can relate to missing a loved one and trying to move on in life and let it go. I hope to read more novels by this author. I can not wait to finish this book and share more with you.

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