Monday, October 10, 2011

Week 6

I am now reading the book “Twisted” by Laurie Halse Anderson. In the beginning of this story, a boy named Tyler is working on shingling a roof because he got in trouble with the law for spray painting some slogans on the school wall. This reminds me of my friend who was sent to job court for getting in trouble with the law.
While Tyler was shingling the roof, the girls’ tennis team was holding a carwash. This reminds me of when our band held a carwash the summer between my 8th grade year and freshman year. The marching band was also practicing; it reminds me of when our marching band practices, on hot days and on cold days.
After Tyler was done with his job, his Dad would always make him out his dirty clothes in his trunk so that he wouldn’t get mud in his Dad’s car. This reminds me of when my parents always make me take my clothes that are really dirty off so I don’t track dirt into the house.
Tyler’s Dad got promoted in his job and has to go to a business dinner. This reminds me of when my Mom just got promoted in her job; this also reminds me of when my family gets to go to my Dad’s boss house once a year for a faculty party.
Tyler has a little sister, and she seems innocent, but on the first day of school it seems like she completely transformed, she had a belly button piercing that she showed Tyler once she got to school that her Mom doesn’t know about, even Tyler was surprised. She even had on a different shirt underneath what her Mom wanted her to wear that showed her new piercing. This reminds me of when I was in elementary school and I wanted to dress up for pajama day but my Mom wouldn’t let me, so I snuck a pair of pajamas to school.

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