Tuesday, October 4, 2011

What I'm Reading

Im still readin "Peak" and it is a very good book. Im at the part where Peak arrives at a hotel a couple miles outside of Everst. His dad Josh had bought a whole bunch of new gear and left it in his room. Peak is trying it all out and inspecting it all when a person knocks on the door. He opens it and sees a boy about his age but a couple inches shorter. He said his name was Sun-jo and he was the grandson of a sherpa. He was sent there to get Peak and bring him to the buddhist temple. When they arrive Peak and the Sherpa (Zopa) greet each other and he gives them some money for a taxi and head back to the hotel. When they get there Zopa looks at all his gear and says he needs some different gear. So they traded some in and get some gear that fits. After this they head up to Everest. When they arrive they see Josh dodging a punch from a guy that was mad about being sent home. The doctor there said he had a heart murmur and could not continue so Josh was sending him home. After they get the guy to start packing Josh talks with Peak about whats going on at Base Camp. He shows him around a little and shows him his company "Peak Adventures." What strikes Peak kind of weird is that there is a camera crew around the Base camp. He hears of how much people are paying him just to take him to the top. And he thinks of when in court his dad said "Don't worry, ill get the money back." He figures his dad only took him for publicity. Take Peak and get him to the top, and make a lot of money out of it. Who wouldn't want to be taken up to the top by a company who got the youngest person in the world up? But he shakes it off and decides its just nice to have some time with his dad. Right then an SUV pulled up and a man in uniform came up to them and shouted "Papers!" So Josh handed them their climbing permits and the man said "We be watching you very closely." Then he left. Josh said that was Captain Shek. He was a very mean man who would send anyone back down the mountain for even the littlest of infringments. He told Peak just to not mind him, that he would take care of it whenever he came up. This is as far as ive read so far

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