Tuesday, October 11, 2011

R.L. Stine... Deadly Date (The Boyfriend)

Deadly date "The Boyfriend" is about a girl named Johanna. She was breaking up with her boyfriend and watching him sqirm at a meeting place where she stood him up, but next thing you know he’s climbing threw her window and asking her to grab her car and take him and his friend out to “The Teens Place” where teens would go and make-out and what not. Dex (her boyfriend) just wanted to spend time with her. He had to do tricks at the end of the cliff and frighten her. Then as she walked down to her car she seen him fall and heard his bones crack. She freaked out and ran to her car while his friend was telling her we need to help her Johanna, but all she thought was “I am helping, I’m going to go get help yeah that’s it I am going to go get help.” She drove off away from the site, she sped up and while speeding she noticed she was on the wrong side of the rode…. it was too late the truck that was up ahead of her hit her dead on. She dreamt everything was back to normal she started seeing Dex everywhere she went she didn’t know it was just a dream… seeing dex crawl into her window again with his skin looking paler in the moonlight then before. She was saying to herself that,”Dex? What he’s dead I heard his bones crush I did.” She woke up hearing nurses’ voices and her mother’s voice as well. She didn’t think she was in the hospital but she was. One day Dex’s friend came and visited her, asked how she was doing and then all of a sudden he said "You know dex died last night and you didnt even want to try and help him tyou just drove off." He sounded furious and angry with her.
When Johanna got out of the hospital she started seeing Dex every where. when she went on her date with Scotty. *This is a book i most enjoy but i notice i can easily out grow it but it's remarkable. I recommend that you try and read it.* To be honest i don't remember what to do on this blog thing for school so i am typing what i remember reading about. this book has great thrills and can make you go to the edge of your seat yet it can just let you sit there and think is the book over with or is it going to be at an exciting part? This book as we all know and read from my topic that it is By R.L Stine and we all may possibly know that man really could let his imagination run wild.
This book "The Boyfriend", which is the main story i am reading because it has two stories involved. "The Boyfriend' is a weird book plus it starts out boring and slow but it gradually gets extremely interesting and fast it tells you describing words that make you picture the people or the characters.
This story really teaches a lesson in it. I can't fully describe it in a well manner but i can tell you it teaches that we should love the people we know and care for and that being rich or having money or even getting everything you want because your spoiled doesn't mean it will get you many friends.
When i read this book i had no clue most of the time what was really going on but that's what made me stick to it but it also lost me a couple of times but it sucked me right back in. It's like an off and on type of book but once you read it, it will all come together and at the end it will all make sense.

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